SEX: 10 Tips for having the “Big Talk” with your children

Why is it so difficult to talk about sex?  I sat down with relationship expert Matt Hilliard-Forde, and he gave me lots of great tips about having the “Big Talk.”  Best of all, Matt is offering my audience a FREE Printable called What I Wish I Would Have Known About Sex

Don’t have time to watch it?  Here are some main takeaways.

  1. Quarantine is a great time to have the “Big Talk.”
  2. Start talking to your kids about sex very young.
  3. Expect to be awkward and embrace it.
  4. It is usually PARENTS that make the conversation awkward, not the kids
  5. Just have the conversation, even if you’re worried. Do it in baby steps.  Any step is a good step!
  6. If you start early, your kids will be more willing to talk to you about sex when they approach adolescents.
  7. The “Big Talk” is essential to have because it can debunk myths and be a teachable moment for talking about intimacy.
  8. It is important to talk to your kids about porn and clarify that porn is not real-life.
  9. Don’t be afraid to have the “Big Talk” with your child of the opposite sex. It brings a different perspective and value to their education.
  10. Going for a walk with your child can be an excellent way to have the “Big Talk” without setting your child down.

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