Ridding Parent Guilt and Shame with Lois Hollis, a shame/guilt expert. 

I try not to compare myself to other moms, but I am just as guilty of shaming myself as the next parent. We all do it. It feels like I should be spending more time with my kids, cooking with them, bonding, playing more board games, and going out on long walks together. Instead, I am tired most days. We are bored with games and family time. We are all irritable and getting on each other’s nerves.

I know I am not alone. Many parents experience shame and guilt. Lois Hollis, a shame/guilt expert, says that 90% of parents experience some form of shame and guilt. We cannot seem to live up to the expectations we have in our brains of what we SHOULD be doing or HOW a “good parent” SHOULD be. Covid-19 has amplified these hurtful thoughts.

Ridding Parents Of Shame And Guilt

Ridding Parents Of Shame And Guilt

Ridding Parent Shame and Guilt can be very difficult. It requires us to face inner demons and challenge beliefs that do not serve us for the better. Although the journey of ridding parents of shame and guilt can be an uphill road, it is a road worth taking! We are all doing our best, and there is no reason to hold the shame/guilt on your shoulders.  

This week, Lois Hollis, RN, BSN, & REV, speaks to us about her interpretation of the shame and guilt phenomenon. For the past 15 years, Lois has been educating people about shame/guilt and helping them release obstacles that prevent them from living a more peaceful life. Lois has also been in the shame/guilt cycle herself! She learned that the solution to her anger, depression, 30 years of migraines, rage, fears, and pain was in recognizing and releasing her own shame/guilt. As a trailblazer, Lois has created a way to health that she shares with the Impactful Parent audience. 

Ridding Parents Of Shame And Guilt

Ridding Parents Of Shame And Guilt

Watch this special video with Lois Hollis!  Lois Hollis’ website:  https://loishollis.com   She is also on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook.

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