Teaching Responsibility: 3 Dos and 3 Don’ts for teaching responsibility to your child How do we teach children responsibility at different ages and different stages of development? First, what does it mean to teach responsibility? What would be the end...
Teenage Heartbreak: 5 Ways to help your child cope Watch the video instead- HERE. When did you experience your first heart tbreak? Middle School? I think heartbreak is one of the worst emotions of anyone’s life because the essence of heartbreak is not just one...
SEX: 10 Tips for having the “Big Talk” with your children Why is it so difficult to talk about sex? I sat down with relationship expert Matt Hilliard-Forde, and he gave me lots of great tips about having the “Big Talk.” Best of all, Matt is offering my audience a...
Picky Eaters? Do your kids complain about your food too? Tell me I am not alone! This week, instead of the usual parenting advice, I made a 2-minute video that I hope you can laugh at, relate to, and forward on to another parent that needs to smile. Please watch! ...
Mom Guilt During COVID and 2 ways to stop the mom guilt right now! I am tired. I can’t kick this feeling that I should be doing more. I finally lost it today and hid in the closet and cried. Anyone else feeling Mom Guilt during COVID? My social media is telling me...