Prepare Yourself For The Next Emergency
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Transcript for Prepare Yourself For The Next Emergency:
Welcome Impactful Parents! Today we’re going to talk about how to Prepare Yourself For The Next Emergency. Today I’m going to welcome impactful guest Brekke Wagoner. Brekke is the founder of Sustainable Prepping, a business dedicated to educating and empowering women to have an emergency plan to have calm and confidence in any crisis. Welcome to the show Brekke.
Brekke: Thank you so much. I’m glad to be here.
Kristina: Why would I need an emergency plan? Why prepare yourself for the next emergency?
Brekke: We are in the post-2020 world, so it’s a little easier to imagine why we might want an emergency plan having lived through a pandemic! We had shortages around groceries, stores even being closed, and limited resources. Having an emergency plan means that we’ll be prepared next time, even if we don’t see it coming. A plan will help you thrive even when the world seems a little unstable.
Many people think about emergency plans only if they live in an area where there are hurricanes, tornadoes, or floods. Still, anyone can benefit from having a holistic emergency plan for the things you can’t expect, like seasonal weather conditions. Also, consider other emergencies like job loss or a prolonged illness. Suppose you are a caregiver and suddenly your expenses go up and you need a little extra support. In that case, an emergency plan can really help you.
Kristina: Can you tell us how do we start this process? What are our first steps to get prepared?
Brekke: Yeah, absolutely! I have a freebie for your audience today with all the fundamentals I am about to talk about, so no need to take notes if you’re driving! Just get the free download at
The five major areas cover all the basics you need in an emergency. They all start with the letter F. The first one is food and water storage. The idea is to be prepared with food and water in case something happens to the water supply. I recommend that everyone aim for one to two weeks of water, which is one gallon per person per day for your family. So, for a family of four, they need 20 gallons of water. I recommend an extra one to two gallons added to that for sanitation, cooking, or whatever comes up.
And then, I recommend that the goal for all families is to get one month of shelf-stable food. That seems like a lot, but it’s a lot easier than you think.
The second Fundamental F is first aid and medications. Get your family a first aid kit. Things like peroxide, band-aids, and Neosporin for the scrapes and bruises of life. I also recommend that folks make sure all their meds are up to date and not expired. Check your colds and flu medications. Keep extra cold and flu medications on hand. And then have extra fever reducers like acetaminophen in liquid form in the house. Plus, don’t forget to stock up on your prescription meds too. One of the things that happened during the pandemic is people couldn’t get to the pharmacy. We don’t think about stocking up because most of us have pharmacies that work just fine. Also, depending on your medication, sometimes it is difficult to get extra meds. Talk with your health care provider about your emergency plan and ask if you can get an extra month ahead to have peace of mind.
The third F is fuel and illumination. This is how you’re going to cook the food that you’ve stored right. Will it be a camp stove, grill, or whatever works for your family? Then illumination is how you’re going to light your house. If the power is out for a few days or a week, what will you do? Do you have the batteries for the flashlight? Candles are another great option but maybe not if you have little kids. Thinking about all of those pieces is important.
The fourth F are finances. We must think of our finances in an emergency. Preparedness is empowering. I know no one carries cash anymore but, having cash on hand is important. I recommend that families have $100 for every member of their family set aside. Why? Because if the power is out, but you can still get to a store, you can’t use your credit card! If there’s no electricity, then electronic transfers and withdrawals might not work! CASH gives you more flexibility. Saving money for emergencies is important too. Aim for three months of your most basic living expenses to be in your savings account.
The fifth and final F is feces or sanitation. What happens if your plumbing doesn’t work?! If your pipes burst, your toilet might not work either. Putting together an emergency potty or a camp potty can be a lifesaver. Also, don’t forget the disinfectants. If there is a potty mess or someone is sick, you will want to clean and sanitize. Have extra gloves, trash bags, and masks on hand.
These are the basics and should hold you through 90% of the emergencies that you might face.
Kristina: I can’t tell you how informative the last few minutes were! I’m sitting here nodding my head as you’re speaking. Making an emergency plan is very important. I am going to suggest that families take on gathering all these items together! Get your kids involved! Have them be a part of the plan. Teach them how to prepare. This could be a family activity this summer.
The one thing going through my mind as you’re mentioning this list is that this can get expensive. How can I make an emergency plan on a budget?
Brekke: The first thing is to prioritize. What is the biggest concern for your family? If you live in an area that’s drought-prone, water storage might be your number one priority. If you are someone with little kids, you might be focusing on first aid and food storage. If you’re someone who has a lot of land where you can build a latrine, you might not worry about the sanitation piece. Start with prioritizing your family’s needs.
Second, a lot of these things you can find good deals on if you’re willing to slowly create your foundation. Creating an emergency plan is a process. Hunt for items at your local dollar store. Pick one thing a month and slowly chip away at the list. Slowly build your foundation over time! And here’s the thing, even if an emergency happens before you’re done with the list, you are already ahead of the disaster and more prepared than you were before!
Kristina: I am loving this! I think it’s fantastic because the more you’re prepared, the less stress you’re going to have. Your stress emulates down to your children. So, if you’re worried and stressed- then your kids will be worried and stressed too. BUT, if you’re prepared and you can limit the worry, your family will also be less scared.
Brekke: Yes! I want to reach a million moms. That is my dream because if we have a million moms that are calm when the next pandemic, tornado, or hurricane hits, imagine how different our communities will feel! The moms can be the calm leaders of their neighborhoods, communities, or work. They’ll haven’t panicked voices that aren’t worried, and that isn’t coming from a place of insecurity.
Kristina: Tell me about your business. What is Sustainable Prepping?
Brekke: My approach to emergency preparedness is different. If you were to Google “emergency preparedness or prepping,” it is a very doom and gloom-oriented space. It’s very masculine. It’s very us versus them. It’s not optimistic at all. It’s actually a very pessimistic conspiracy theory community, and that’s a turnoff.
To make matters worse, when the pandemic hit, I saw many in my community struggle. They weren’t prepared. They needed help. I decided- I could be there. I could be the person to educate others on how to get prepared, and I could do it with a fear-free approach. An emergency plan is an empowerment tool. I want moms to be proactive, not reactive. When you have a plan, it will make you feel more confident and more secure. I am passionate about helping families.
Kristina: How can my audience reach you if they are ready to make their emergency plan?
Brekke: I am on YouTube at Sustainable Prepping. I’m also on Instagram @sustainable_prepping.
Kristina: And don’t forget to get your free download from Brekke! You can find it at or on her social media links.
Until next time parents, you got this. I’m just here to help.
————-Prepare Yourself For The Next Emergency——————————–
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