The Impactful Parent Presents
The Impactful Parenting Podcast
Creating a Vacation That Even Your Teenager Will Love
Creating a vacation that even your teenager will love. If you want to avoid the bored children, the arguments, and the eye rolls on vacation, this episode is for YOU! Join me and travel coach, Laura Rahn as we give tips and tricks to planning a family vacation that...
Books for Bonding and Learning
Books for Bonding and Learning Louis Papadakis credits reading books for the bond he has with his stepson, and you can too! Discover how reading books can improve your relationship with your child AT ANY AGE. Learn tips for making reading more than a learning...
Encourage Children To Travel After Graduation
Why Parents Should Encourage TRAVEL After Graduation Why Parents Should Encourage TRAVEL After Graduation Why Parents Should Encourage TRAVEL After Graduation 10 reasons why traveling after graduation is the BEST and most BENEFICIAL experience that your son or...
What is school for?
What is School For? Why is public education failing us? Have you ever wondered "What is school for," if you're never going to remember those science formulas or long math equations? If most of the information we "learn" in school goes in one ear and out the other,...
Parenting: The one thing parents should do every day.
The one thing parents should do every day! The one thing parents should do every day! The One Thing Every Parent Needs To Do Every Day (to foster connection and dissolve discipline.) This parenting hack will foster a connection...
Parenting: Working with Teachers and Schools Therapists
Parenting: Working with Teachers and Schools Therapists Working with school therapists and teachers to help your child with their disabilities or learning differences can be hit or miss! What can parents do? In this episode, discover what parents can do to maximize...
Parenting: Creating a personal space for your child matters.
Parenting: Creating A Personal Space For Your Child MATTERS. In this episode I exam how personal space in the home really matters for childhood mental health and well being. Join me as we look at our own upbringings and try to make a BETTER and secure place for...
Parenting: Be Proud of Your Kids For YOUR Mental Health
Parenting: Be Proud of Your Kids For YOUR Mental Health Parenting is stressful, and it gets even more stressful if you don't step back once in a while and see the big picture. What I mean is it's difficult to see your kid's progress and growth when we have a...
Parenting: How does birth order matter in your family?
Parenting: How does birth order matter in your family? We already know that research shows how birth order affects children's personalities, but this episode doesn't discuss that. Instead, I ask, "How did birth order affect YOUR upbringing?" How do these life...
Want to be a guest?
You can be a guest on the Impactful Parent too! I am always looking for experts who can add value to the podcast and teach the audience.
Perhaps you are not an expert but have an inspiring story or message for the world. Let’s hear your message!
Click the link below to schedule a pre-interview to see if we are a good fit for each other.