The Impactful Parent Presents

The Impactful Parenting Podcast


How To Say Sorry

How To Say Sorry This episode of the Impactful Parent walks you through the crucial steps of making an apology that is effective and better received by your loved one. It's not easy to say, "I am sorry," but apologizing might be the first step to mending a...

Normalizing the “Bad” of Parenting

Normalizing the Bad of Parenting Parenting is full of difficult stuff that makes moms and dads want to pull their hair out! Why isn't anyone talking about it?!?! This week on the Impactful Parent, founder Kristina Campos and mom, Kate Bjargvide, talk about the "bad"...

How To Deal With A Defiant Teenager

Hello, my name is Kristina Campos. I am the founder of the Impactful Parent. Every week I give you parenting videos that can help you in your parenting journey. If you have a particular topic or parenting question about your school-aged child that you would like me to...

Dealing With Bullies When The School Doesn’t Help

Dealing With Bullies When The School Doesn't Help Ron Shuali is sometimes controversial, but he believes in arming kids with the confidence and skills to stand up to a bully. 💪 😰😖 If you are tired of the school not helping your child, then this video might be what you...

How To Talk To LGBTQ Teens About Sex

HOW DO HETEROSEXUAL PARENTS TALK TO LGBTQ TEENS ABOUT SEX? I know it can feel embarressing and daunting. That's why this week's Impactful Parent video is here to give you tips and advice for having this important conversation. 😥 What should you say? 😰 How should you...

Help Kids With Cognitive Functioning

Help Kids With Cognitive Functioning with Betsy Hill and Roger Stark. Betsy and Roger explain the importance of Cognitive skills for academic success. Even better- Betsy and Roger give parents a solution to help kids that struggle with their cognitive functioning....

Why Is My Teenager So Mean?

Why is my teenager mean to me? Founder of the Impactful Parent, Kristina Campos, gives parents 5 reasons why their child might be mean AND 5 things that parents can do to help cultivate a better relationship with their child. Click on the link below to listen to the...

Traveling With Neurodiverse Children

Tips For Traveling With Neurodiverse Children Do you have an anxious, inflexible, or neurodiverse child? Traveling can be challenging. Dawn Barclay, a travel writer, gives a sneak peek into her book Traveling Different: Vacation Strategies for Parents with Anxious,...

Communication Delays and Concerns In Children

Communication Delays and Concerns With Children Communication delays and challenges in children are very common. So why isn't anyone talking about it? Whether your child is having difficulty with speaking, pronunciation, formulating thoughts, sequencing,...

Want to be a guest?

You can be a guest on the Impactful Parent too! I am always looking for experts who can add value to the podcast and teach the audience.

Perhaps you are not an expert but have an inspiring story or message for the world. Let’s hear your message!

Click the link below to schedule a pre-interview to see if we are a good fit for each other.