The Slow Eater Child

The Slow Eater Child

The Slow Eater Child

The Slow Eater Child

The Slow Eater Child.  Tips for how to get your child to eat when they seem to take FOREVER to consume anything.  Don’t worry Mama- I got you!

It is Question and Answer Thursday and today’s question was: My Child eats so slow that it doesn’t seem like she is consuming anything.  Her teachers are getting frustrated at school.  Help!

**The Slow Eater Child episode was broadcasted live on YouTube, Facebook, Linked In, and Instagram.  Submissions for Q&A Thursday can be either emailed to The Impactful Parent directly or direct messaged through any of these social media platforms.  Submissions can be anonymous and are never mentioned in the Live Recording to respect the privacy of The Impactful Parent audience.  Email:  [email protected]

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February 4, 2021

The Impactful Parent