My Child’s Friend Is Autistic

My Child’s Friend Is Autistic

My Child's Friend Is Autistic

On occasion, I will meet someone new and know I am a better person NOW because that person came into my life.

That is how I felt after I met Becca Lory Hector. Becca was diagnosed with autism as an adult and has been a prominent autism activist ever since.

I invited her onto The Impactful Parent because I wanted to address the elephant in the room- WHAT DO I DO WHEN MY CHILD’S FRIEND IS AUTISTIC?

If you don’t have an autistic family member, most parents don’t know much about autism. What is it? What does it look like? How are autistic people different? These are common questions, and yet very few people ask these questions aloud. So I decided to take the lead and ask what most parents need to know, What do I do when my child’s friend is autistic?

Watch this fantastic interview where Becca talks to me candidly about autism. We discuss:

  • Where does autism come from?
  • How should I treat a child with austism that comes into my home?
  • What should I look out for?
  • What can I do to make an autistic child comfortable in my home?
  • Are there any unique things I need to think about if a playdate turns into a sleepover?
  • What does it mean when I hear “the spectrum”?
  • Why is talking to autistic adults important too?

This interview LEFT ME FEELING LIKE A BETTER PERSON. Becca did MORE than talk to me about autism. Becca taught me valuable tips that I need to be successful in interacting with the autistic population. I am so grateful for Becca, and I hope you will be too!

This is an interview you don’t want to miss!

Don’t forget to follow The Impactful Parent on social Media! Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Pinterest, and YouTube.


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December 13, 2020