The Impactful Parent Presents

The Impactful Parenting Podcast


Socializing Strategies for Awkward, Shy or Twice-Exceptional Kids

Socializing Strategies for Awkward, Shy or Twice-Exceptional Kids Socializing Strategies for Awkward, Shy or Twice-Exceptional Kids Discover socializing strategies for kids who are shy, awkward, or twice exceptional! Special guest, Sam Young, founder of the Young...

How Will I Know If I Am Ready To Be A Parent?

Is Parenting Worth It? How Do I know if I am ready? Forward this episode to a friend because parental readiness is so important! In this Impactful Parent episode, you'll find the pros and cons to parenting, plus questions to ask yourself to discover your parenting...

Getting Kids To Do Chores

Getting kids to do chores Tips and suggestions for getting kids to do chores and live clutter free! FREE PDF inside the Impactful Parent app with this episode. Special guest Farnaz Dar Click on the link below to listen to the podcast! 👇 LINKS MENTIONED IN THE...

Being Unapologetically You

Being Unapologetically YOU and Avoiding the Parent Trap! Just like so many parents, I too, have fallen into the parent trap! What is the parent trap? The trap where you PUT YOURSELF LAST to take care of everyone else. The trap is where you GIVE UP all the things you...

Helping Kids That Want To Fit In

Helping Kids That Want To Fit In YOU DON'T WANT YOUR KIDS TO FIT IN! Let me explain... This episode of the Impactful Parent talks about why parents shouldn't want their kids to fit in. You see, fitting in means that a child has to change themselves to be accepted by...

Does Seeing Kids Outside Seem Unusual To You?

Does Seeing Kids Outside Seem Unusual To You? This episode has several controversial topics of discussion! Centering around a TikTok clip produced by Spartan owner Joe Desena, this episode explores topics like: *Should people step in and say something when they see...

What Parents Need To Know About Fentanyl

What Parents Need To Know About Fentanyl  Be proactive and save a life! This episode is full of important gems of knowledge that every parent needs to know! * What is fentanyl? * Why is it so scary and lethal? * How are kids getting ahold of this drug? * Is snorting...

A Dad’s Perspective on Parenting. Meet Rodrigo Bravo.

A Dad's Perspective on Parenting. Meet Rodrigo Bravo This is just what the impactful parent community was looking for! A dad's perspective! Meet Rodrigo Bravo! Rodrigo will be joining the Impactful Parent stage biweekly to give his insights, advice, and dad's...

7 Options After High School

Best Options After High School Best Options After High School with Emma Perez. Emma gives parents and students 7 options for continuing student education after high school. PLUS- this video comes with TWO FREEBIES to help your family make the perfect "After High...

Want to be a guest?

You can be a guest on the Impactful Parent too! I am always looking for experts who can add value to the podcast and teach the audience.

Perhaps you are not an expert but have an inspiring story or message for the world. Let’s hear your message!

Click the link below to schedule a pre-interview to see if we are a good fit for each other.