The Impactful Parent Presents

The Impactful Parenting Podcast


Disrespectful Kids

Disrespectful Kids 10 tips for dealing with disrespectful kids. Make an authentic connection with your child. Try a FREE 30 Day Challenge. You’ll receive a new question to ask your child every day- for 30 days. Get away from the boring questions and start connecting...

Parental Expectations: How NOT To Get Angry

How NOT To Get Angry.   Yep- My guest this week, Mr. Ben Winter, says that he has the secret sauce for parents NOT to get angry.   According to Ben Winter, most of our anger is derived from an expectation NOT being met, and that...

How To Teach Your Child Gratitude

How To Teach Your Child Gratitude It is Question and Answer Thursday and today's question was: How To Teach Your Child Gratitude 7 Steps for Teaching Your Child Gratitude **This episode was broadcasted live on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.  Submissions...

The Strong Willed Child

The Strong-Willed Child The Strong-Willed Child can be difficult but these qualities are actually really great as an adult! Learn tips for dealing with the strong-willed child without breaking their spirit and without losing your mind. It is Question and Answer...

Talking To Teens:  Tips for having those difficult conversations

Talking To Teens:  Tips for having those difficult conversations Talking To Teens:  Tips for having those difficult conversations A discussion with Cassie Eads, author of the book My Suicidal Child Make an authentic connection with your child. Try a FREE 30 Day...

Getting Your Child To Eat Vegetables

Getting Your Child To Eat Vegetables Getting Your Child To Eat Vegetables with Special Guest Amy Miller telling the audience about the Juice Plus company and giving parents another opportunity to balance their children's diet with their whole food supplement. I know,...

Calm Down! Teaching Self Regulation

Calm Down! Teaching Self Regulation7 Steps For Helping Your Child Learn To Self-Regulate and not suppress emotions. It is Question and Answer Thursday and today's question was: How Do I Teach My Child To Calm Down?**This episode was broadcasted live on YouTube,...

Get Your Child To Stop Lying

How To Get Your Child To Stop Lying Tips for stopping the lying and growing a child that trusts you enough to tell you the truth. It is Question and Answer Thursday and today's question was:  How can I get my child to stop lying to me? **How To Get Your Child To Stop...

Which Comes First, My Child or Me? 

Which Comes First, My Child or Me?   I know there are days when you are pulling out your hair.  I know you are tired and cannot seem to get ahead.   We are all experiencing more burnout and frustration with our lives than ever before.  Why?  I believe parents are torn...

Want to be a guest?

You can be a guest on the Impactful Parent too! I am always looking for experts who can add value to the podcast and teach the audience.

Perhaps you are not an expert but have an inspiring story or message for the world. Let’s hear your message!

Click the link below to schedule a pre-interview to see if we are a good fit for each other.