The Impactful Parent Presents

The Impactful Parenting Podcast


How Do We Stop Gun Violence and School Shootings?

This is a replay of a LIVE Chat rooms on Clubhouse. Clubhouse is an auto app where I host a parenting room each Friday at 12pm EST. Rodrigo Bravo (certified mediator), Dali Rivera (bully prevention coach), and myself, decided to host a 3 part series of discussions to...

Children Need To Be Outside Why Children Need To Be Outside Sandi Schwartz gives 5 reasons why...

How Essential Oils Can Help Your Family How Essential Oils Can Help Your Family Georgia Mulliss, mom of 3, tells...

How To Get A Teenager To Listen

How To Get A Teenager To Listen Kristina Campos, the founder of The Impactful Parent, talks about Mathew Hussey's 7 tips for making a bigger influence. Kristina translates Mathew's suggestions to share how parents can get their teenager to listen. This is a MUST-SEE...

When Parenting Doesn’t Go As Expected

When Parenting Doesn't Go As Planned Jodi Schilling tells her personal story about parenting not going as planned for her and her husband. She tells a story of having a child with autism, a child with learning challenges, and more challenges repeatedly coming her way....

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

Picky Eating Gone Bad If your child is a picky eater, then this episode is for you! Sometimes picky eating gets out of control and escalates to Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. This disorder is a real problem for many of our young people. Kristina Campos,...

Weekly Family Meetings

Weekly Family Meetings with Jessica Eastman Stewart. Jessica talks about how she uses weekly family meetings to organize her family life, connect with her spouse, and have a household that is more calm for her children. Included in this episode is a FREE PDF for...

Discipline With Connection

Discipline With Connection Kristina Campos, founder of the Impactful Parent, teaches the 6 step process for disciplining your child with connection. Look at discipline a NEW WAY and discover how discipline doesn't have to be about taking your child's stuff away all...

Essential Oils For Healthier Kids

Essential Oils For Healthier Children Special guest, Cindy Vallone, gives tips for HOW to use essential oils WHAT kind of essential oils you want to use for STRESS, SLEEP, MOOD, ENERGY, FOCUS, and SELF-CARE. Tips for what to look for when buying essential oils and so...

Want to be a guest?

You can be a guest on the Impactful Parent too! I am always looking for experts who can add value to the podcast and teach the audience.

Perhaps you are not an expert but have an inspiring story or message for the world. Let’s hear your message!

Click the link below to schedule a pre-interview to see if we are a good fit for each other.