The Impactful Parent Presents

The Impactful Parenting Podcast


What To Expect From the Middle School Transition

What To Expect From Middle School The transition from elementary school to middle school is more profound than some parents realize. Learn what the main differences will be and where most kids have challenges. Discover what parents can do to support their children...

Online Volunteer Experience For Teenagers

Online Volunteer Experience For Teenagers: Seniors 4 Seniors Eric and John Peterson, father and son duo, talk about Seniors 4 Seniors, a non-profit organization promoting the relationships between seniors in high school and senior citizens. This amazing organization...

How To Teach Culture

How To Teach Culture Rodrigo Bravo, Dali River, and Kristina Campos talk about the importance of teaching culture to children. Tips for teaching culture in your own home are given throughout the episode.  This is a Clubhouse App replay. Clubhouse is a public...

Parenting Differently Abroad

Parenting Differently Abroad: Advantages and Challenges Stefanie Fernandes talks about HOW EVERY CULTURE PARENTS DIFFERENTLY and what happens when we immerse our family into a culture we didn't grow up in. How is parenting abroad challenging and advantageous? This...

Yes! Your Child Can!

Yes! Your Child Can! An Interview With The Author Do you have a child with LEARNING DIFFERENCES?  Then this episode is for YOU! I had the privilege of talking with Dr. Victoria Waller about her book, Yes! Your Child Can.   Help and hope for parents of...

The Dangers of Sexting

The Dangers of Sexting This conversation might be uncomfortable, BUT PARENTS NEED TO DO IT! This video helps parents prepare for the "No Sexting" conversation. I give you 5 reasons your child may think sexting is ok, questions for starting the conversation, reasons...

Overcoming Hardship To Be A Better Parent

Overcoming Hardship To Be A Better Parent Lisa Michelle Zega tells her story of resiliency and learning. Lisa talks about healing grief (the loss of a person or failed expectation) to live presently in your life and with your loved ones. Click on the link below to...

Online Predators

How Online Predators Bait Children 💻🎣6 WAYS online predators bait and attack your child online and 10 simple things parents can do to help keep their child safe. 😱Stolen private information, blackmail, damaged reputation, credit card compromised,... Online predators...

Teaching Kids To Live Authentically

Want to be a guest?

You can be a guest on the Impactful Parent too! I am always looking for experts who can add value to the podcast and teach the audience.

Perhaps you are not an expert but have an inspiring story or message for the world. Let’s hear your message!

Click the link below to schedule a pre-interview to see if we are a good fit for each other.