The Impactful Parent Presents

The Impactful Parenting Podcast


How to Resolve Conflict In Your Family

How to Resolve Conflict In Your Family with Hesh Abrams. Hesha is an internationally acclaimed master attorney mediator. In this episode, Hesha gives away her SECRET WEAPON TIPS for diffusing conflict in your family! This is a must-see episode for anyone butting...

My Child Came Out. LGBTQ Parental Support

My Child Came Out. Now What? Support for the new LGBTQ Parent I've been in your shoes. Watch and allow me to help you navigate through LGBTQ parenting. In this video, I give tips for: * What to say during the "coming out" conversation (if you think it's coming) * What...

From DUI To DIY Improvement

From DUI to DIY Improvement Juliana Linder tells her candid story of hitting bottom BUT fighting her way to self-improvement to be a better parent and feel good about herself. Juliana's story is relatable and inspiring. Throughout the episode, she gives tips to others...

The 5 Conflict Languages of Kids

The 5 Conflict Languages Many people have heard of the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman, but have you heard of the 5 Conflict Languages by Thomas Kilmann? Learn the 5 Conflict resolution techniques. Understand how our children resolve disputes and help them learn how...

How To Raise Strong Girls

How To Raise Strong Girls Tips for raising strong girls that don't need to conform or fit into social stereotypes.  This episode of The Impactful Parent was recorded on Clubhouse.  Clubhouse is a social media audio app. My co-hosts for this episode are: Dali...

Tips For Kids With Big Emotions

Tips for Kids With Big Emotions Does your child have big emotions? Rachel Bailey and Kristina Campos talk about What Big Emotions Look Like In Our Kids, How Big Emotions Affect The Whole Family and Give Tips For How To Handle Those Big Situations. Click on the link...

How To Talk About Sex at Different Ages

How To Talk About Sex at Different Ages of Development Kristina Campos, Rodrigo Bravo, Jessica Marie, and Dali Rivera talk about HOW TO TALK TO YOUR CHILDREN ABOUT SEX AT DIFFERENT DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES.   * This recording was made on the Clubhouse App. ...

Social Media and Teens

Social Media and Teens Richard Capriola talks about social media statistics and how our teens are being influenced by these apps. Watch and discover what social media is doing to teen behaviors and learn how you can help your teen navigate the social media app world....

Teen Substance Abuse Changes After the Pandemic

Teen Substance Abuse and Mental Health Changes After the Pandemic Richard Capriola, a mental health and substance abuse counselor, gives the newest stats on how the pandemic affected teenagers. Richard talks about the decline in substance abuse and the rise in the...

Want to be a guest?

You can be a guest on the Impactful Parent too! I am always looking for experts who can add value to the podcast and teach the audience.

Perhaps you are not an expert but have an inspiring story or message for the world. Let’s hear your message!

Click the link below to schedule a pre-interview to see if we are a good fit for each other.