Homeschooling a Dyslexic Child: Tips and Websites That Can Help To Make Your Child Successful Dyslexia. With all this talk about school at home, what about our kids with special learning needs? Today, I want to help those kids that have the most common learning...
Talking To Teenagers: Tips for having those difficult conversations A discussion with Cassie Eads, author of the book My Suicidal Child Kristina: What have been your biggest lessons learned from having a suicidal child? Cassie: The unintentional use of...
Corona Virus COVID-19: Your Child’s Perspective and 3 Things You Can Do To Help: In this time of social isolation, do you see your kids acting up? Are they suddenly acting in ways that make you say, “Who is this person, right now?” Well, you’re not alone....
Anxiety and Depression in Teenagers: Give them coffee, is an interview that I did with special guest Anne Hayes. Anne suggests that you give your teen coffee to help them get through the day! Anne Hayes, aka Mama G, is a speaker, an author, an inspirational rapper,...
Who are you? Remembering life before kids talks about the importance of being your unique self and not losing who you are to the busy life of the parenting world. Who are you? A parent? An accountant? A business owner? No, those are things that you do. Often, we...