What To Do When Your Child Says, “I DON’T CARE!” To watch the video, go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQM_gNLOEuE To listen to the podcast, go there: https://theimpactfulparent.com/project/how-long-should-a-punishment-last/ LINKS MENTIONED IN...
My Child Was Molested By The Babysitter My Child Was Molested By The Babysitter is a personal interview with Alysia Lyons. Alysia tells us her story about her son being molested by a young female babysitter and Alysia gives parents advice for keeping their own...
5 Ways To Stop Your Child’s Minecraft Addiction It is Question and Answer LIVE and today’s question was: My child is addicted to Minecraft. How can I handle it? Today I am going to give you 5 Ways To Stop Your Child’s Minecraft Addiction! First, I...
Improve Your Relationship With Your Child Through Gardening Video Transcript of Improve Your Relationship With Your Child Through Gardening: Kristina: Welcome impactful parent. Today we’re going to talk about the positive impacts of gardening on your kids. Today...
Preventing Eating Disorders Do you have a child that struggles with ANXIETY? I CAN HELP! The FREE webinar on my fully online course to help children with big emotions will give you the framework you need to see a change in your child’s behaviors! Check it out at...