Getting Out Of Survival Mode with Lindsey Peterson talks about how parents can stop the chaos and come to a place of calm to be a more impactful parent! Listen To the Podcast by clicking below or read the transcript that follows. 👇 *Coming Soon The Impactful Parent...
Jane Epstein comes onto the Impactful Parent stage and tells her story of sibling sexual abuse. This silent epidemic is rarely talked about publicly, but many families need support. Jane Epstein provides the Impactful Parent audience education, awareness, and...
Emotional Self Regulation: Controlling your emotions to be a better parent with guest Cristina Moise. This episode gives tips to parents for controlling their emotions and why it is an important part of good parenting. Watch Video by clicking the photo below or read...
How To Create A Routine For Your School-Aged Child talks about WHY a routine is important, the benefits of routine, and HOW to create a routine that will help your child be the most successful. Watch Video by clicking the photo below or read the transcript that...
Coping With Your Child’s Choices: when you have a rebellious, wayward or prodigal child. Special Guest Laura Rudder, talks about her personal experiences with her 2 children and gives tips for managing the big feelings of parents.Watch Video by clicking the...