How am I going to trust my teen to take care of their car in college if they won’t even remember to put in gas today? How can I trust my child to make good food choices if they won’t eat anything the color green? How am I going to trust my child with money if all they do is spend without thought? Trusting our kids can be difficult if their behavior seems not to be trust-worthy. However, where does our lack of trust come from? For me, most of my trust issues come from a place of fear.
Listen as I explain that a lot of trust issues come from a place of love and fear.
To make an authentic connection with your child, try one of my FREE 30 Day challenges. Sign up today and you’ll receive a new question to ask your child every day- for 30 days. These questions provoke a new conversation with your child and get you away from the boring questions like, “How was your day, and do you have any homework?” Start connecting with your child one question at a time! Completely FREE, so NO excuses! Sign up NOW and watch your connection grow with your child in 30 days!
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