Dear Daughter,

Don’t listen to the crowds.  They have their own agenda.  YouTube ads, commercials, and billboards don’t want what is best for you.   Ignore Barbie and Bratz.  They are fake.  Their perfect body, outfit, and hair sit under a gigantic plastic head.  They have no soul, and their portrayal of women is phony. Ignore the Disney princesses.  They foolishly search for their perfect prince.  You don’t need a prince to be happy.  Don’t listen to the grown-ups that say you need to play soccer and cook and be independent and get straight As and eat vegetables and be beautiful and be sweet.  Those grown-ups don’t know what you need.  All those expectations are too much! You don’t need that kind of pressure. Ignore them. Don’t listen to the crowds.

Dear Daughter

dear daughter

My beautiful daughter, be YOU.  Whatever that looks like.  Wherever life takes you; however, you grow, be YOU. But if you read this letter and take away anything, know this:  You can be anything you want to be, but you do not have to be everything.   Some things in life are not meant for you, and that is ok.   You don’t have to be flawless.  Don’t strive for perfection. You can fall and still triumph.  You can make mistakes and still succeed.  You can fail and still reach your goals.  Excellence is obtained by being true to yourself, so be YOU.

With love, Mom


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