behavior management

Discover How To Help Your Child Calm Their Emotions

If meltdowns are a normal occurrence…And you’ve tried to help your child, but nothing is working…
Then I think you are ready for a new way! No doctor appointments! No medications!
Get the step by step instructions YOU NEED to see CHANGE!

Does This Sound Familiar?

behavior management
My Child is fine one minute and freaking out the next.
Where is this behavior coming from?

Grounding and taking away electronics don’t work anymore.

behavior management
My child screams at me and says I don’t understand.

I want to help my child.  I can see they are hurting, but when I ask what is wrong, their thinking is irrational.  

behavior management
It feels like we can’t get along anymore.

Most conversations are an argument.  I can’t seem to do anything right. Everything I say is shut down.  Everything I try is pushed away.  She refuses to spend time with the family anymore without rolling her eyes and acting like it’s torture. 

behavior management
I’m afraid that my child will get labeled at school.

Is my son becoming a bully?  Are the kids afraid of him?  It seems like he is having trouble making friends because of his temper. Even worse, I think the teacher has labelled him as the “problem child” and might be treating him unfairly!

behavior Management
Another angry outburst

My child blows up in anger every time a simple request is made like setting the table for dinner.  Then the drama starts and a yelling match. Now, we both feel bad.

behavior management
Anxiety attacks.

She freaks out over things for no reason.  I don’t understand why.  Is this an anxiety attack? Why are some things so difficult for her? 


The Behavior Management Program

A Do-It-Yourself, at Your Own Pace, 

Parent Coaching program 

to help you change your child’s behaviors!

Behavior management


Being a smart parent who tries their best, YOU KNOW that there isn't an "easy" way to change behaviors. It will take intention, time, and consistency.


You already understand that helping your child is the priority, and your efforts to help your child are completely WORTH IT!


So invest in a few hours a week that will bring BALANCE TO YOUR HOUSEHOLD, and your child can feel in control of their emotions and be happier!


*9 Modules of different topics that turn everything you think you know about parenting completely on its head so you can parent with a better understanding.

*45 Lessons to teach you everything you need to change behaviors.

*Downloadable worksheets to help you internalize lessons and get the most out of learning.

*Easy to follow videos, so instruction is crystal clear.

*Work at your own pace and times that are most convenient to YOU.

*No Stigma!  Privacy is important. This program is done entirely in YOUR HOME, so you don’t have to worry what others might think or if your child will be embarrassed.

*Lifetime course access. Watch videos as many times as you need and revisit lessons as much as you want for the lifetime of the course. 

*Researched proven techniques that work!

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behavior management

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Parenting App The Impactful Parent
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You Can Take The Course With Me!

Imagine getting one-on-one help to make lessons the most effective and progress faster!
Parenting App The Impactful Parent
behavior Management
behavior management
behavior management

Enroll Today! Let's Get Started Helping Your Child.

behavior Management

This Is A No-Brainer Investment!

Co-pays for seeing a counselor will run you into the thousands $$$.

This program comes with SO MUCH CONTENT that my course is valued at $2500!

But I am a parent too, and I know that no matter how badly we want to help our kid, sometimes mental health takes a back seat to other issues.

That’s why you can take this course inside the Impactful Parent App with the Impactful Parent subscription.  That’s right! It comes with your Impactful Parent Subscription!  (Subscription cost is $9.99 per month, cancel anytime.)

Yeah, you read that right.

As parents, we have a lot on our plate and worrying that you can’t afford to give your child help should NOT be another headache.  I don’t want parents to have fears about money. With this minimal investment, you don’t have to put your child’s mental health on the back burner. 

Now, you have a solution!

And whether you are new to The Impactful Parent or one of my veteran students, you can already see what a GREAT DEAL this is and how valuable this investment will be! 

Behavior Management
Behavior Management
Behavior Management


I have had the privilege of observing Kristina's authentic passion, commitment, and empathy for children and their families first hand. Kristina is enthusiastically raising awareness of real parenting topics that are impacting our children as they brave the nuances of the 21st century. Join the conversation!
Parenting App The Impactful Parent
Barbara Washington
Educator and Mom
Kristina has encouraged me to have more grace for my child’s moods and emotions, while also supporting me through the ups and downs of parenting. I look forward to learning more from her! With Kristina’s help, my daughter developed a sense of mastery and confidence. Kristina’s lesson plans were easy to follow, organized and designed to help!
Parenting App The Impactful Parent
Jennifer Miller
Kristina of The Impactful Parent is a unique parent of 4 children who brings insightful information to especially parents who are navigating a busy and often challenging life with their children! Through her online videos, courses, and training, she effectively facilitates learning that is accessible 24/7! Her personable, patient and gentle style is refreshing!
Parenting App The Impactful Parent
Anne Hayes
Teen Coach, Rapper
Kristina is one of the most positive and energetic people I know! She has abundant energy and fantastic ideas. She’s a thoughtful listener, a great communicator, and a creative problem-solver. Those skills, along with her hands-on experience as a mom of four kids, make her a wonderful resource for parents!
Parenting App The Impactful Parent
Kristi Espineira
Mom, Educator

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